
Showing posts from February, 2019

Plate Boundaries

The Bahamas are a group of 700 islands and cays located in the western Atlantic Ocean. The Bahamas are part of the North American Plate. The North American Plate includes most of North America, Cuba, northeastern Asia, and some parts of Iceland. The Bahamas are also located on the Carribean plate. The North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate have a transform boundary. On the tranform boundaries the two tectonic plates slide past one another along geologic faults known as transform faults. The Bahamas is relatively stable because of its position on the plates.  Sources: Keller, Edward A., and Robert H. Blodgett.  Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes . Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.

What is the difference between natural hazards, disasters, and catastrophes?

A natural hazard is any natural process that poses a threat to human life or property. Some examples of natural disasters that impact the Bahamas are earthquakes and hurricanes. A natural disaster is the effect of a hazard on society. It is used when the interaction between humans and a natural process result in significant property damage, injuries, or loss of life. A catastrophe is a massive disaster requiring significant expenditure of time and money for recovery.